Recent content by msolerebel

  1. msolerebel

    sunny side-up condos

    two of our hens became roosters, we replaced them with two red star hens, they were about one month younger than the original flock, (4), we gathered our first egg, january 29, 2013, today we had five eggs....
  2. msolerebel

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    our first egg, january 29, 2013, we have four chickens laying now, and should have two more laying in a couple of weeks....
  3. msolerebel

    Should I stay with starter feed or go to layer and chopped corn?

    Thanks so much. I will keep them on the starter.
  4. msolerebel

    Should I stay with starter feed or go to layer and chopped corn?

    I am new at raising chickens. I have 6 girls and they are now 9 1/2 and 10 1/2 weeks old. I am almost out of starter feed and needed to know if they need to stay on starter feed or can I now purchase layer feed?
  5. msolerebel

    sunny side-up condos

    This is how Sunny Side Up Condo's got started. It all started in July 2012 when I got the wild hair to have chickens. My husband David agreed so we went to talk to our good friend Will. He is very talented and can build anything. He said he would build it with David's help but,he expected eggs...
  6. msolerebel

    Sunny Side Up Condos

    This is how Sunny Side Up Condo's got started. It all started in July 2012 when I got the wild hair to have chickens. My husband David agreed so we went to talk to our good friend Will. He is very talented and can build anything. He said he would build it with David's help but,he expected eggs...
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