Recent content by new2chickens

  1. Little Coop On The Prairie

    Little Coop On The Prairie

    Little Coop on the Prairie My husband and I live on 20 acres in a small manager's cabin (efficiency apartment), so we always joke that we live in the Little House on the Prairie, so it seemed proper to call the new chicken house the Little Coop on the Prairie. We are currently building a barn...
  2. new2chickens

    Texas Chickenstock 2008 - update 1st page

    Most of my dad's family is from Blum and is now around Blum and CLeburne
  3. new2chickens

    Silly Question: Hen with Duck eggs

    Will a hen set duck eggs?? We have a neighbor who has ducks and they keep coming over and laying eggs...not a big deal...but they lay them in my hay (small space to climb in to get hay) and I don't like being hissed at when I go get my hay!! Anytime we see the duck off the eggs we take them. We...
  4. new2chickens

    Wanna make y'all jealous :)

    Just looked at your pictures! Gorgeous!! I wish we owned the place we live on...20 acres 3 ponds, hubby is building a 70' X 60' barn and behind it we will build a 10X10 coop. Our 3 chickens love the roaming area!! And our neighbors ducks love our ponds!
  5. new2chickens

    Eating Healthy

    I probably have no business commenting on this thread as I am 5'3" and 120lbs, don't exercise a lot, and eat the WORST stuff (corn dogs, fish sticks, DR PEPPER (lots of it) Sweet tea, whole milk, ice cream, crackers, etc, etc etc) but I do have to say that most people make the mistake of...
  6. new2chickens

    My neighbor problems

    I agree with all the above comments! What kind of world are we coming to when people have no respect for other people or their property?!?? I really love the barbed wire or stakes or nails (something to damage their tires!) I would probably be the mean one that would hang a bucket of paint in a...
  7. new2chickens

    Egg Journal Question

    I went ahead and made a quick spreadsheet for March and printed it. I plan to hang it on the fridge and mark it when I put the eggs in the fridge....hopefully that will help me remember to mark it.
  8. new2chickens

    BR from Privett through Feed Store

    I hope not, they were all supposed to be pullets!!! I know there are other characteristics besides head spot to rely on, but don't know what they are, so if someone will post those...I will try my best to sex the chick and also post pics showing those specific characteristics. Sarah
  9. new2chickens

    BR from Privett through Feed Store

    Any idea whether Crystal is indeed Crystal or if Crystal is Christopher?!?! Here are the pictures I have....please let me know if you need additional pictures. Day 1 Day 7 Ok so that is all that are on my blog that might be helpful and my internet won't let me upload more pics right...
  10. new2chickens

    Egg Journal Question

    Anyone keep an egg journal? My girls aren't old enough to lay yet, but I do have 2 laying hens (they lay almost identical eggs!!) I would like to have a record of who laid each day and what each hens eggs look like (color, shape, size, etc) Anyone have advice or a good template they are willing...
  11. new2chickens

    Calling All Texas Chicken Farmers

    My chicks are on a feed from Lonestar (went to SFA in Nacogdoches, where the Lonestar mill is) My hens are on a layer from TSC (I think it is Dumor brand) and they get a scratch from Wal-mart (mine has a livestock section....its so weird to me!!LOL) When I run out of layer, I may look into what...
  12. new2chickens

    Identify chicks?

    I think it is (if that is correct, that is where I went to ID my roo) Sarah
  13. new2chickens

    Well Here it Is, 3 Hour "Quick Coop" PIC HEAVY!

    Amazing coop!! I love that idea! Maybe I can find some cheap dog run panels on craiglist and totally steal your idea if (when) hubby lets me get more hens.... Sarah
  14. new2chickens

    My babies went to there outside coop today..... :(

    Ohhhhh this is sad!! I didn't like having mine in the house the first night because of the light and a few little peeping sounds, but I am sure when they are outside I will miss the light and few little peeping sounds!! Here's to hoping you get through this quickly!! Sarah
  15. new2chickens

    Rhode Island Red Rooster (Houston, TX)

    I got a RIR roo tonight that I will need to rehome soon... I don't know much about him. A lady contacted me about a hen and roo that she couldn't keep anymore. They were raised by a high school student and are about 8 months old. I plan to keep the hen, but can't keep the roo. If anyone is...
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