Recent content by nogeekspls

  1. nogeekspls

    WHAT GENDER-New Photos- I have to make a decision

    Thank you everyone for your replies, and for your understanding. I admit I cried when I read them- and I am a mature(old) person. I have spend countless hours sitting with "Chicken" and I love him so much. My best times are when I come to sit with him and he does that happy bird...
  2. nogeekspls

    WHAT GENDER-New Photos- I have to make a decision

    I am heartbroken over this. I had read elsewhere that Hens can indeed making crowing sounds. I was convinced that was what was going on with Chicken. It was the appearance of those neck feathers the last few weeks that made me believe she was a he. Had a veritable city not grown up around...
  3. nogeekspls

    WHAT GENDER-New Photos- I have to make a decision

    A few weeks ago I posted photos of my Chicken. The consensus was she was a pullet. I found her the first week of July so have had her two months. A few days after I posted my pictures here she started greeting the morning with some half hearted crowing...."errr errr err" Sporadic at...
  4. nogeekspls

    Gender, breed, and age?

    Thank you everyone for your replies!!! I am really captivated by her and just how loving she is. If it makes any difference in regards to her tail development- she was on High Alert as I was trying to take the pictures as the Hawk was flying around and the Ravens were yelling out their...
  5. nogeekspls

    Gender, breed, and age?

    About three weeks ago, much to my surprise there was a Chicken walking along my fence line. I told the young lady that was with me to grab one of the horse sheets so we could go catch it. When we got around the other side of the fence the Chicken was laying under a pine tree. I kneeled...
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