Recent content by Ocean Flare

  1. Ocean Flare

    Old quail concerns

    Hello, lovely BYC people! So, Fallfly, my ancient baby of a 5 year old quail, who has outlived 3 hens, is getting old, I'd say. He seems to want to keep on living, despite my worries of him being lonely 😅 For about a year now, he's had seemingly permanent balance issues where he even steps on...
  2. Ocean Flare

    Nostril swelling

    None that I can tell. No, I do not have a helper. He's pretty comfortable with me, but noted that it was quite lengthy.
  3. Ocean Flare

    Nostril swelling

    20 minutes, pieces of an apple slice, he's absolutely freaked out now, and still no clue what I'm looking at
  4. Ocean Flare

    Nostril swelling

    Oh gosh the one thing that never stops moving is his head 😂 Anyway these aren't clear at all, but I tried to draw a line on the first image to show what I mean. The top/left line is the weird open area and the other line is where I assume I'm usually meant to see the actual opening of his...
  5. Ocean Flare

    Nostril swelling

    Thank you! One thing though, it seems that his nostril is not only swollen, but like it's open in the middle of the swelling. I'm not sure if it just appears this way and is actually just covered though.
  6. Ocean Flare

    Nostril swelling

    I noticed this swelling on one nostril once many months ago but it sort of solidified and didn't seem to bother him, so I left it alone. But now his other nostril is also swollen, but the tissue is soft. Does anyone know what this is? I know it has to be some infection, but what specifically...
  7. Ocean Flare

    Feathers won't grow and theres something over his eye.

    He's white now :gig
  8. Ocean Flare

    Feathers won't grow and theres something over his eye.

    Like a week ago. I just changed it though, so now he is again
  9. Ocean Flare

    Feathers won't grow and theres something over his eye.

    He has a dust bath in his cage everyday. I change it when it's soiled or when I clean his cage. I also have no problem sitting here and taking it off for him, so I'm doing that 😂 but he's so grumpy
  10. Ocean Flare

    Feathers won't grow and theres something over his eye.

    He's been molting for at least a month now, but these feathers won't grow back, I'm not sure why. I also just noticed his eye is covered with something when it wasn't a few days ago. I took is off as much as i could, but i have no idea what this is. Could his age (4.5 now) be part of it? He...
  11. Ocean Flare

    Hen hasn't been eating

    Unfortunately, she passed away the day before the antibiotic arrived. 😞
  12. Ocean Flare

    Hen hasn't been eating

    Oh really? Thank you. Why is that? I can't even seem to find the powdered form anyways, at least not online.
  13. Ocean Flare

    Hen hasn't been eating

    Do you think the water soluble one or injection would be better, or make no difference? I do have syringes from the last time one of my birds got sick.
  14. Ocean Flare

    Hen hasn't been eating

    The duramycin, do you know if there are different kinds, or is it the one labeled for cattle? As I was looking for some place to buy some, different websites keep mentioning different antibiotics like lincomycin and Penicillin-streptomycin?
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