Recent content by OkieUpNorth

  1. O

    Chicken trill noise?

    I need some help deciphering what this chicken noise means! All my chickens are 6 months old, and Dandelion is the only one who makes a noise like this. She is the one who runs up to the gate to greet me every time I come to the coop/run. She likes to hop up in my lap when I sit on the lawn...
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    Chickens not laying in their nest boxes.

    I'll take some painters rags and hang them so that there's less open space showing. I hope it won't be permanent, but I would like the chickens to get into the groove, and not need the training wheels anymore. I'll try that tonight and see what happens tomorrow.
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    Buff Orpingtons

    I got my orpingtons when they were a few days old in late April. It's now early September, and only one of the four is laying eggs. Just give them some time. Look for the submissive squat, the size of their combs and waddles, and make sure they're getting more than just scratch in their diet. We...
  4. O

    Chickens not laying in their nest boxes.

    Help! My chickens are starting to lay (two out of eleven have started), and are really hit and miss with their nesting boxes. First, our Rhode Island Red was laying in the bag of pine shavings we had on top of a bucket. We quickly made it so she could not get on top of the bag of shavings. I...
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    Smaller chicks in the bunch? Roosters?

    Thank you! Yeah, I just wanted to double check. My husband said something about roos growing slower, but we're first time chicken parents, so it's all new and our info isn't always accurate. She's such a great little chicken friend. Glad I don't have to change her name. Dandelion would be an...
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    Smaller chicks in the bunch? Roosters?

    She's the one on the far left, the one with the grown-out BlueKote on her feathers. (they sure do love their wheatgrass treats!)
  7. O

    Help! What are my chicken breeds??

    I have no idea, the yellows may end up being Buff Orpingtons, but I'm commenting to say that Skittles is a BEAUTIFUL chick, and I bet she'll be an even prettier chicken.
  8. O

    Smaller chicks in the bunch? Roosters?

    I am raising 3 Rhode Island Reds, 4 Buff Orpingtons and 4 Black Australorps (one of the RIRs died within days of coming home, failure to thrive). I have noticed by far that the Orpingtons are the most social of my 3 breeds, and are more apt to come up to me not just for treats, but for...
  9. O

    1/4" Wire Mesh Run and Cracked Beaks

    I think ours are trying to get at bugs, so they peck and get stuck. I just hope their little beaks will grow and it won't be a problem much longer.
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    1/4" Wire Mesh Run and Cracked Beaks

    My husband recently finished the covered run for our new chicken coop, and per his research, decided to use 1/4" wire mesh. We live in a rural area that has lots of predators, so we were very concerned about keeping things out. It looked great. Cut to the first few days in the run, and one...
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