Chickens not laying in their nest boxes.


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2017
Help! My chickens are starting to lay (two out of eleven have started), and are really hit and miss with their nesting boxes.

First, our Rhode Island Red was laying in the bag of pine shavings we had on top of a bucket. We quickly made it so she could not get on top of the bag of shavings.

I then put a few golf balls in their nesting boxes, as I've read that's a trick that can work. I caught her in one of the boxes one day, but she ended up laying anywhere but the boxes.

She's now taken to laying her egg with her little butt over her roost, so that means the eggs fall on the floor, and it's a 50/50 chance the egg cracks, even with the pine shavings on the floor.

Our Buff Orpington likes to make little nests in the corner of the coop, and lay on the floor.

We have had ONE egg laid in a box. What more can I do? I've attached a picture of the nesting setup my husband made (I have a few golf balls in there currently). He added the lip on the bottom because they were scratching all the shavings out onto the coop floor. I'm at a loss for what we can do.

I'll just share some things that worked for me. I keep mine locked in the coop/run for half the day. Usually the eggs are layed by the time I get home from work, which is 5:00, so they get into this routine. That keeps them from laying their eggs in a bush somewhere....Now, if you don't let your hens free range, then perhaps you an make the nesting boxes a little more cozy with a half curtain in front of the nesting boxes. You've got a very nice setup there, I would say the nesting boxes are a tad wider than a hen considers cozy. So I think maybe a little curtain (could be a rag or dish towel, hanging in front of the nest box opening in a way that makes the opening smaller, might just do the trick. They like their nest to be private and cozy. And of course, it does take time for hens to get "into the groove" haha and begin a laying routine. Good luck to you!
I'll take some painters rags and hang them so that there's less open space showing. I hope it won't be permanent, but I would like the chickens to get into the groove, and not need the training wheels anymore. I'll try that tonight and see what happens tomorrow.
I have the same issue except mine are laying in the goat pen and then my goats eat them unless I am right there To collect them after they lay. I have tried the curtains and I have tried leaving them locked in the coop for several days. They lay in the nesting boxes when they are locked in the coop all day. Someone told me to get a light with a timer that turns on early morning while they are still in the coop and then let them out later in the morning. I’m going to try this and see. Did you ever find anything that worked for you?
I have tried leaving them locked in the coop for several days.
It can take more than a few days.

Free range birds sometimes need to be 'trained'(or re-trained) to lay in the coop nests, especially new layers. Leaving them locked in the coop for a week or so can help 'home' them to lay in the coop nests. Fake eggs/golf balls in the nests can help 'show' them were to lay. They can be confined to coop and maybe run 24/7 for a few days to a week, provided you have adequate space and ventilation, or confine them at least until mid to late afternoon. You help them create a new habit and they will usually stick with it. least for a good while, then repeat as necessary.

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