Recent content by pdp1

  1. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    To all the people who asked if I've discussed the rooster situation with other neighbors: I've been a little hesitant to do that too. Call me overly cautious, but being the newest household on the block, I don't want to be "that family" who stirs up controversy, so I haven't really openly asked...
  2. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    You would think so right? But, I'm not sure if this is the case though... To reiterate, I'm not hell bent on the coop being relocated, that is a very small problem compared to the noise output and frequency of the rooster. I can't imagine why in a suburban neighborhood like ours where the home...
  3. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    Quick update. I was trimming a tree in the backyard this morning and a branch fell into the chicken neighbors yard. It wasn't planned but I realized it was a great excuse to walk over and introduce myself. I'm guessing it was the dad that opened the door, and only just a crack. I told him I'm...
  4. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    Not yet, I'm hoping to catch the neighbors while they are outside their home, but again, since our garages/front doors are quite a bit apart, about 4 times the distance between houses of a typical track home community, it's hard to see if they're outside in front or not. In fact, in the past 3...
  5. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    Thanks everyone for the responses. You've helped me decide that it's better to talk with them first, and just in time too because that rooster has been acting up, crowing more and more these past few days. Starting at like 4am... then by around 5:30am it's almost non stop, with only a few...
  6. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    Hehe, can the fresh eggs give me back 30 min to 1 hour of sleep each night? :) Unfortunately, I don't think it will. Do hens need a rooster around to lay eggs? I don't think so right?
  7. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    To answer your question, yes, 5 hens are allowed, and we don't have a problem with that. In fact, I'm not even bent on having them moving the coop, but it would be nice if they did. As much as I don't want to talk to them in person, I do have a feeling it would be the right thing. But I...
  8. pdp1

    Reporting violations of city ordinances

    I first want to say that I am not a chicken owner, but as the title suggests, we have a neighbor (immediately next door) that is a chicken owner and has violated multiple city ordinances. I'm a pretty easy going, keep to myself, kind of guy and don't want to cause any ruckus in the...
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