Recent content by puppinchix

  1. puppinchix

    Introducing 6 new chicks to established flock of 11

    Thanks for your replies. The new chickies and their coop mates (4 turkey poults) are separated from the big girls now. They are 7 weeks old, and doing really well. The chickies and poults are flocking up so I think that will help. We had the chickies in a bunny cage in with the big girls for...
  2. puppinchix

    Introducing 6 new chicks to established flock of 11

    Hello to all. Has been many months since I posted, hope all your flocks are well. We have an established flock of 11 hens: 2 Golden Campines; 1 RIR Bantam; 4 Buff Orps; and 4 Anconas. Recently we purchased 6 chicks pullets: 3 Australorps; 1 Red Cornish; 1 RIR; and 1 Golden sex-linked. We...
  3. puppinchix

    does this mean they will start laying soon?

    Quote: Do your Ancona's fly? Mine fly high and faster than the others. They are so pretty don't ya think? Yes they are starting to fly. So are the Golden's and Garnet - haven't seen the Buff's yet but they are the biggest hens we have. I think the Ancona's are pretty, do your's have the...
  4. puppinchix

    does this mean they will start laying soon?

    A couple of mine have started making the "announcement" call, so am thinking we will soon find our first egg. They are 18 weeks old today - seems like the Ancona's are the ones doing most of the announcing, but hopefully the Buff Orps, Golden Campines and our bantee, Garnet, will soon catch up...
  5. puppinchix

    Big girl noises...guess who did it...

    Sounds like Tiny is going to have to show the others how to be a big girl:cool: I have heard one of my Ancona's making the bawk, bawk, bawwwk noises but so far no eggs. A friend told me to put a golf ball in each nest and that might be a clue to my girls as to the use of the nest. So far no...
  6. puppinchix

    what breed is my bantam? from a newbie

    Hello Everyone and thanks for the replies. After I posted I left to take summer school for five weeks so have not been in touch. Can't believe how much the chix have grown in the last weeks Hopefully will soon be laying some eggs - they are only, barely 4 months old so have a bit yet - the...
  7. puppinchix

    what breed is my bantam? from a newbie

    Thanks for the tip. I looked up the Cochin Bantams and think she could be either a Buff or a Red (she is very red now so will see what she looks like as she gets older). I always thought a chicken was a chicken was a chicken!
  8. puppinchix

    what breed is my bantam? from a newbie

    Cluck Cluck! Our chicks are almost nine weeks old. This little gal was suppose to be a RIR, but turned out as some kind of bantam. I have searched the web for her specific breed (could not find any mention of RIR bantams or anything close to what she looks like). Any clues from the pros...
  9. puppinchix

    ••• Personal Pages •••

    I hope this works! My friend suggested this site to her chicken newbie friends (that's us).
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