Recent content by RedRockFarmer

  1. RedRockFarmer

    who else has eggs cooking???

    [/IMG] We just hatched out about 12 silkie and silkie x leghorn crosses. Are some pics of some chicks and their parents. , does anyone know what you would call this multicolored chick?
  2. RedRockFarmer

    Howdy from the Verde Valley and Northern Arizona!

    @chickenworldlov sorry for the lengthy response! I've been a busy bee :) I'm not sure who has pure bred birds in our area but I would suggest chicken the Phoenix Craigslist. I bought most of my birds from local people on Craigslist. You can also look online for different hatcheries that ship.
  3. RedRockFarmer

    Blue Andalusian thread!

    here is our blue Andalusian rooster, named Blue haha
  4. RedRockFarmer

    Howdy from the Verde Valley and Northern Arizona!

    Thank you so much everyone @Kelsie2290 @roostersandhens @TwoCrows @liz9910 @Marthab1953 ! And after doing some research, you are absolutely right @Wyandottes7 My so called "Ameraucauna" is a Easter Egger! Thanks for the corrections!
  5. RedRockFarmer

    Howdy from the Verde Valley and Northern Arizona!

    Thank you so much @roostersandhens , @Marthab1953 , and @Wyandottes7 ! After some research, I stand corrected, she is an Easter Egger! There seems to be a lot of confusion of the differences between EE, Ameraucaunas, and Araucanas. But you are right @Wyandottes7 I found a website with some...
  6. RedRockFarmer

    Howdy from the Verde Valley and Northern Arizona!

    Hi everyone! My wife and I live in the Verde Valley in Northern Arizona and we just began our adventure in farming and raising chickens! We have been eating organically(chemical/pesticide) free for quite some time and the obvious next step towards being self sustainable would be to raise and...
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