Recent content by ReleasetheQuacken

  1. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    Thanks again everyone for your help, my duck is cruising around with only the ghost of a limp, and I suspect in time that will go away too!
  2. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    She’s doing much better today. The leg is still injured but the panting and shivering seem to be over. I even found her standing this morning!
  3. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    She’s doing a bit better and has started eating a bit (only her very favorite foods) and pooping again. Everything there looks normal. Hubby and I checked her over thoroughly again last night and noticed some mild swelling in the leg and joint but nothing other than that. Still giving her...
  4. ReleasetheQuacken

    Egg laying

    It took my runner ducks awhile to stop laying in their pool. They eventually figured it out though.
  5. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    I thought she might be hot so I moved her to a cold room,I would guess it to be about 60 in there and she’s still panting. Also have seen no evidence of poop in the last day. ☹️
  6. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    I’m more concerned for her today. She’s stopped eating and started panting. Her bill feels very warm and she seems unable to settle. She’s still laying eggs and doesn’t seem lethargic but there isn’t as much energy as yesterday. Any ideas? No open wounds to make me think infection, just the...
  7. ReleasetheQuacken

    Mystery Duck breed

    That’s her coloring! Less bowlingpin-y though
  8. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    Thanks everyone for the responses, no significant change today, keeping her quiet and comfortable.
  9. ReleasetheQuacken

    Mystery Duck breed

    Can anyone identify the breed of this duck? She’s beautiful and we’d like to get more of her. She was a very ugly duckling (we got her free on craigslist), her proportions were abnormal and she was a baby poop green. Now she’s a gorgeous grey with the occasional shiny blue feather. She lays...
  10. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    Thank you! I haven’t done epsom salts, I’ll pick those up today. She laid an egg this morning which was surprising. Stress? Warmer house temps?
  11. ReleasetheQuacken

    Help! Injured Duck

    Hello! I found my favorite duck with an inured foot last night when I went out to put her to bed. She won’t put any weight on it at all and her poor little toes look so lifeless hanging there. I did check for blood flow, the injured foot is the same temp as her good one, nothing visibly broken...
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