Help! Injured Duck

I’m more concerned for her today. She’s stopped eating and started panting. Her bill feels very warm and she seems unable to settle. She’s still laying eggs and doesn’t seem lethargic but there isn’t as much energy as yesterday. Any ideas? No open wounds to make me think infection, just the injured foot.
Is she in the house now? Maybe with warmer temps inside than what she’s used to, she feels hot?

Do you have turmeric or fish oil capsules? Both of those are good at decreasing inflammation. It could make her foot feel a little better.
I thought she might be hot so I moved her to a cold room,I would guess it to be about 60 in there and she’s still panting. Also have seen no evidence of poop in the last day. ☹️
No swelling in her foot? bruising? Are you doing anything like soaks? Could she have been stepped on somewhere other than her foot also? But to still be laying an egg a day doesn't sound like she could have internal injuries. Can you bring a friend in for her? Just to see if that perks her up?
She’s doing a bit better and has started eating a bit (only her very favorite foods) and pooping again. Everything there looks normal. Hubby and I checked her over thoroughly again last night and noticed some mild swelling in the leg and joint but nothing other than that. Still giving her regular soaks. She’s still panting and shivering, could it be pain? She has not shown any signs of listnesses through the whole ordeal. Bill and feet also felt cooler this morning. Thanks for checking on her!
Panting and shivering could be signs of pain. Birds do stay quite "normal" and active even when hurt. (Survival mechanism - pretending to be well so predators don't target them.

Arnica (externally applied) is supposed to help with bruises and sprains, if you think this is what happened. On the other hand, if it is an infection she might need antibiotics - but if her temperature is normal, it may be a bruise or sprain.

Let us know how she does!

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