Recent content by Rksample

  1. R

    Solution how I have prevented Guinea fowl from fighting during mating season when NOT free roam.

    So, In the past I have seen post on how to prevent guinea fowl from fighting when female is laying. So with that being said I wanted to share the solution I came up with last Summer and it is working still to this day. I have a pen that's approximately 22 ft long 6 and 1/2 to 7 ft wide enclosed...
  2. R

    Loving my Guinea fowl

    Loving my Guinea fowl
  3. R

    Getting rid of Gapeworm!!! The quick solution

    So I have a Guinea hen 5 months old and on Oct 18 2021 we found her laying on ground head tucked. She seen us, took two steps toward us and dropped. Gape worm. We tried Ivermectin for goats paste. It worked except it take Fenbendazole to kill adult. Which is active ingredient in vilbazen...
  4. R

    Sick guinea fowl

    We give her vilbazen 5 days ago but it's old so we don't know if it's working. Now she has a lot of clear liquid coming out when she poops. My husband is home to tractor supply to get different med and smtg for upper respiratory infection. So hopefully it will work. I'll let ya know. Thks for...
  5. R

    Sick guinea fowl

    She stretches and twists her neck. My husband said he seen it in her chest.
  6. R

    Sick guinea fowl

    No she has gape worm
  7. R

    Sick guinea fowl

    She is eating and drinking but is now gasping and I can't tell if she is getting better or not
  8. R

    Sick guinea fowl

    Help! My 4 to 5 month old guinea was laying on ground in pen this morning with head buried. Went in to get her and she never moved. Her feathers are ruffled and wirey around neck. She won't drink electrolytes. I have noticed sink she was keet that she never really kept up with others. They would...
  9. R

    Guinea fowl

    That makes me feel a lot better. I love all my animals and they are all spoiled with love. So I have been feeling like a big meany. But, I'm feeling better now. Thanks for replying. That makes me feel a lot better. I love all my animals and they are all spoiled with love. So I have been feeling...
  10. R

    Guinea fowl

    Caging 4 minutes ago So I've been raising my guineas since they were two days old they'll be a year in May. We live off of the road pretty good distance but yet the road we live off of is a main highway. My guineas have been doing really well staying around there the chickens and round their...
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