Guinea fowl


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2021


4 minutes ago
So I've been raising my guineas since they were two days old they'll be a year in May. We live off of the road pretty good distance but yet the road we live off of is a main highway. My guineas have been doing really well staying around there the chickens and round their coops but here in the last two weeks they've started going towards the road and I've luckily been here to see them and got them back towards the house. But they continue to go back towards the road and I mean two steps from the road is where I found one of them. So being that I only have four I'm really close to them and I don't want to see them get killed I can't keep them locked in the coops because they're too small. I don't want to cut their wings to where they can't protect themselves or get away from predators. So I've built a pen that's 25 ft by 7 ft wide with netting at the top. Today's their first day in there but now I feel bad leaving them caged up is this a bad thing or should they be free roam somebody help I don't know what to do
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Hello and welcome to BYC.

175 square feet sounds like a generous amount of space for only 4 birds so your guineas ought to be just fine in their pen.

Free-ranging isn't for everyone. Sometimes the hazards outweigh the benefits and a busy road is a significant hazard. After all, in addition to the danger to the birds there is the danger of an accident from someone swerving to avoid the birds (and you may be held liable for such an accident depending on local regulations about containing pets and livestock).

I think that you can take guilt-free enjoyment in knowing that your guineas are now safe. :)
Hello and welcome to BYC.

175 square feet sounds like a generous amount of space for only 4 birds so your guineas ought to be just fine in their pen.

Free-ranging isn't for everyone. Sometimes the hazards outweigh the benefits and a busy road is a significant hazard. After all, in addition to the danger to the birds there is the danger of an accident from someone swerving to avoid the birds (and you may be held liable for such an accident depending on local regulations about containing pets and livestock).

I think that you can take guilt-free enjoyment in knowing that your guineas are now safe. :)
That makes me feel a lot better. I love all my animals and they are all spoiled with love. So I have been feeling like a big meany. But, I'm feeling better now. Thanks for replying.
Hello and welcome to BYC.

175 square feet sounds like a generous amount of space for only 4 birds so your guineas ought to be just fine in their pen.

Free-ranging isn't for everyone. Sometimes the hazards outweigh the benefits and a busy road is a significant hazard. After all, in addition to the danger to the birds there is the danger of an accident from someone swerving to avoid the birds (and you may be held liable for such an accident depending on local regulations about containing pets and livestock).

I think that you can take guilt-free enjoyment in knowing that your guineas are now safe. :)
That makes me feel a lot better. I love all my animals and they are all spoiled with love. So I have been feeling like a big meany. But, I'm feeling better now. Thanks for replying.


4 minutes ago
So I've been raising my guineas since they were two days old they'll be a year in May. We live off of the road pretty good distance but yet the road we live off of is a main highway. My guineas have been doing really well staying around there the chickens and round their coops but here in the last two weeks they've started going towards the road and I've luckily been here to see them and got them back towards the house. But they continue to go back towards the road and I mean two steps from the road is where I found one of them. So being that I only have four I'm really close to them and I don't want to see them get killed I can't keep them locked in the coops because they're too small. I don't want to cut their wings to where they can't protect themselves or get away from predators. So I've built a pen that's 25 ft by 7 ft wide with netting at the top. Today's their first day in there but now I feel bad leaving them caged up is this a bad thing or should they be free roam somebody help I don't know what to do

Mine were also born in May. They are just now going to be let out of their yard into our bigger yard for spring. We're on a highway and I'm PARANOID. I herd mine with a long broom handle. When I want them to go to the back part of the property I just push them back. I'm only going to let mine out when I can watch them. That might be what you have to do also to keep them from getting hit. I wish I lived where they could free range all day but these knuckle heads would get flattened.
We also have road issues with a flock of 21 and ten acres. I think our wandering females drive this, so I’m currently locking a few of the girls up during the day and only letting them out in the late afternoon. was ridiculous. I let them or and straight for the road. So I ran all the way across the property with a big stick to chase them back. They went out into the woods and stayed there for a couple hours and then came back in their yard. I realized they probably laid their eggs out there. I'm going to have to figure out how to keep them close. I'm too old and fat to run like that 😂
My 1st spring w/goons was overshadowed by the death of two females the very 1st week they became "twitterpated". I locked in my remaining female after that bc cldnt bear going through having another hit by a car or just disappear.
I have a canopied kennel and that's where she got her "free time".
She adjusted to it,the boys stayed near her, & I moved the kennel frequently so she wasn't stuck in the same place.
I now have 2 females going into their 1st mating season,so all 3 are going on lock down bc they are starting to toddle down to the ditch, and I know that means soon they'll be in the fields.
That doesn't mean forever; Once eggs stop being laid,they get their freedom again (September last year) until the next spring. was ridiculous. I let them or and straight for the road. So I ran all the way across the property with a big stick to chase them back. They went out into the woods and stayed there for a couple hours and then came back in their yard. I realized they probably laid their eggs out there. I'm going to have to figure out how to keep them close. I'm too old and fat to run like that 😂
I still want a run for mine and would be locking mine up there for most of the day right now if I had one. I think partial confinement is the best way to keep mine from wandering. If they are only out for a few hours, they are more likely to explore the immediate area instead of going everywhere. The Three Fates that I’m locking up are not amused though! Slate keeps trying to run past me and my scary bamboo switch...:gig
We've talked abt cattle panels and you have already built an amazing coop. I had mentioned the greenhouse frame I already have for vertical gardening:
The only thing is that the netting I have is mesh like this: 20210312_203157.jpg
I mean, it will definitely be big enough, but am wondering if it will work. I don't like the bird netting used to keep them out of the garden bc can cut them if they get tangled in it. But any actual aviary netting I found was :eek:$$$. For some reason I had this weird vision of a huge fish net..those are pretty expensive, too, and no one ever taught me macrame. Lol.
We've talked abt cattle panels and you have already built an amazing coop. I had mentioned the greenhouse frame I already have for vertical gardening:
View attachment 2567445
The only thing is that the netting I have is mesh like this:View attachment 2567450
I mean, it will definitely be big enough, but am wondering if it will work. I don't like the bird netting used to keep them out of the garden bc can cut them if they get tangled in it. But any actual aviary netting I found was :eek:$$$. For some reason I had this weird vision of a huge fish net..those are pretty expensive, too, and no one ever taught me macrame. Lol.
That could work to keep guineas in, but it wouldn’t work to keep predators out. Penning poultry where predators can get them makes them into sitting ducks... :oops:

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