I should also mention that I got a lot of my information from your fantastic post (https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/incubating-shipped-eggs.1037110/page-3). Please also note that my eggs were in transit for 5 days, and were between 9 and 13 days old when they started incubation. They are currently turning 24 x/day. Wondering if thats too much..
Hope you’re well! I’m on Day 7 incubating shipped bantam chicken eggs w/detached air cells. I hv an automatic horizontal incubator n didnt turn 1st 48 hrs. How many x/day should I turn eggs until stopping turn at Day 16? Also, they are at 45% humidity to help w/stress currently. What day should I lower humidity, and to what %? Lastly, I plan to raise humidity to 65% on Day 18. Would you advise different % or day?