Recent content by silkiesrawsome

  1. silkiesrawsome

    Sick Chicken, Please Help, Picture Included.

    Ok dawg I'm only ten so I did not know
  2. silkiesrawsome

    Sick Chicken, Please Help, Picture Included.

    Give it water with Apple cider viniger and some vitamins named poly-vi-sol without iron
  3. silkiesrawsome

    what my chickens do

    My chickens have normal behaviers but they go CRAZY when they see worms all and when I put worms in there one trys to take all but the other ones try to take one and either succeed or don't.
  4. silkiesrawsome

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    put the fertile eggs in the fridge right when they ley them and u can eat them
  5. silkiesrawsome

    new silkie owner

    thx redsox
  6. silkiesrawsome

    new silkie owner

    cool muttsfan
  7. silkiesrawsome

    new silkie owner

    p.s. i am 10 years old and my mom helps with things
  8. silkiesrawsome

    new silkie owner

    Hi, im new to BYC and i have 2 silkies, 1 barred plymoth rock, 6 amber sex links, 2 brabanters, 1 salmon faverolle, 1 welsummer, and 1 ancona. I love chicens and i am a nice person and friendly and curious.I want to know how silkies turn their heads 180 degrees?
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