Can you eat fertile eggs?

Outdoorsii, I just love Lil Whitey. She is so regal and friendly. I's love to have one just like her in my chicken coop. What colour eggs does she lay? Does she have a wyandotte's strawberry comb?
Balut is a 17-day old duck or chicken embryo boiled in its shell.

As I haven't tasted this tasty dish, I cannot vouch for its gastronomic value. I saw this on a TV program recently.

Apparently, you break the shell and suck out the “soup,” or the bodily fluids of the chick. You then can eat the barely formed body of a baby chick.

Reportedly It tastes like a cross between a boiled egg and meat stew broth.

This high protein Asian street food is to Filipinos and various Chinese provinces as hot dogs are to Americans.

One day maybe...
I mixed some Rhode island reds an some Speckled Sussex and they turned out to be pretty hens here's some pictures of them....
there's a couple in this picture but you can't really tell what their feathers look like

the two in this picture are full blooded Speckled Sussex and the one at the feeder on the left is a RIR x Speckled Sussex.
4 days is a safe timeline for sperm to stay in the hen's oviduct. Some breeds will for a couple weeks even! I'm not sure why I remember that from my agriculture class lol...

My greatgrandpa used to place old light bulb in the next boxes to encourage brooding. A little old school and resourceful. Maybe glass isn't such a good idea but even a plastic Easter egg should work.
Haha... I got my first two naked necks last year. I thought they were horrible but now im kind of a fan. Since one of them was a rooster most of my new hatchlings carry the trait...yaay
I have five naked neck mutts from EE eggs, backyard birds bred with an ameracauna rooster. Or so the lady said. I change my mind almost daily whether I love them or hate them. Some days I think I'm just going to grow them out and eat them so they can't reproduce, other days I think I miiiight keep one just incase I want to make some more ugly chickens.

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