Recent content by Skipper7410

  1. Skipper7410

    Should you help a quail chick to hatch?

    Always good to be prepared for sure! Good luck!
  2. Skipper7410

    Should you help a quail chick to hatch?

    Personally we generally don't assist. There are some people here though with some good advice on what to do though if you do.
  3. Skipper7410

    Quail eggs and a cat :(

    I think I would check with a division of wildlife resources officer (or whatever the Cali equivalent is) not a vet.
  4. Skipper7410

    Eggs havent hatched yet

    At 96 degrees you will generally have a high morality rate (i.e. unsuccessful). for us to help we need an idea of how you built your incubator, as in what are you using to heat it with now..what kind of material the bator itself is etc.
  5. Skipper7410

    Eggs havent hatched yet

    It's that 96 Fahrenheit (I assume it is) That's much too low
  6. Skipper7410

    incubation experiment,do they have a chance?

    We just hatched several from our quail eggs that had been in our fridge for just as long or longer and they did surprisingly well. Lost one to trying to pip way too early and one that was stuck in egg too long (we don't assist generally), but other than it went pretty well.
  7. Skipper7410

    what has been your average/most common sex ratio?

    Turkeys I swear I always get like.. all Tom's or close to it. My quail tend to hatch like 1 roo for ever 4 or 5 hens
  8. Skipper7410

    Day 4 no veins

    They may not be fertile. Check again in a few days and If there's nothing then I'd ditch em.
  9. Skipper7410

    Quail eggs hatching on day 24

    Let them go a couple days like you said...sorry to hear no progress. Things can change rapidly though too. I have a batch that I havent seen much in, that will hit day 17 officially in a few hours, but out of nowhere they're starting to pip externally left and right. Last night there was no...
  10. Skipper7410

    14 turkey eggs incubating

    I love my bourbon reds! Keep us posted!
  11. Skipper7410

    Quail eggs hatching on day 24

    Average is around the 17 day mark (remember the day you set is day 0, not 1). My last batch I got anywhere from day 16 to like day 23 with most of them on days 17 to 19. Edited for spelling
  12. Skipper7410

    Day 18 incubating

    I dropped one once as we were about to lock down. I caught it but it detached the air cell..totally felt like crap but thankfully the chick turned out fine. In fact she's been dropping eggs for me left and right lately. Everyone definitely does thing different. You will always be told...
  13. Skipper7410

    Day 18 incubating

    How rough are you handling your eggs?! It's no worse than any other day. Only issues with candleing that late is try not to open incubator if there are external pips, and the big one..don't drop the egg! :D
  14. Skipper7410

    How to wrap angel wing??

    Angel wing is a waterfowl issue. My quail and turkey always have derpy looking wings and always grow put of it. Chickens should be fine as well
  15. Skipper7410

    Help! My first time hatching and one baby has been at the same stage for 12+ hours

    It looks like that it zipped breach? (wrong side of egg). It may need help. When we have had them need help we usually cull, but that's just us.
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