Recent content by SkyKng6154

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  2. SkyKng6154

    How old are Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons when they start to lay?

    24 wks 3 days for our 2 BR's, just started laying Dec. 26, 2010. Getting egg a day from them so far! YIPPEE!!
  3. SkyKng6154

    Finally Done!!!

    The coop is a 4' x6' Quakers style coop. When we get rid of the males, we will have 4 hens, 2 barred rocks and 2 black australorpes.
  4. SkyKng6154

    Finally Done!!!

    The top of the feeder tube is between the 2 roosts. The tube does not go to the ceiling. Very easy to refill.
  5. SkyKng6154

    Finally Done!!!

    purchased at work begins all framed out nice and deep hardware cloth hardware cloth all done 2x4 on both sides of coop to make inside height higher........pvc caps on top of 2x4 to prevent damage to netting pvc the...
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