How old are Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons when they start to lay?

How old are Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons when they start to lay?

One day older then when they did not lay.
My girls are all in their 28th week and at least 2 of the EEs just started laying this week. A couple of the BOs started squatting this week though, but no eggs from them yet. They turn 29 weeks on Monday. No heat or extra light.

If there is an "average time" just remember it takes all of the various laying ages into account-from the earliest to the latest.

It will happen for you and you will be thrilled when it does.

Must be something in the feed. I get it locally from the ahmish and my barred rocks started laying at 18 weeks. 4 out of the first 20 eggs had a double yolk.
Chillin, I wish I could find a few amish around here that sells feed. They know what they are doing that is for sure. I know we have some menonite families around here. How would you approach them though? How did you approach the amish? Thanks

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