Recent content by southernchicken9

  1. southernchicken9

    can a sebastopol goose starve herself if she lays on her eggs?

    Thank you all !!! This was very helpful. She is yet to become broody. She has laid about five eggs already. How many do they usually lay?
  2. southernchicken9

    can a sebastopol goose starve herself if she lays on her eggs?

    Hello, I'm a new owner of a pair of white sebastopol geese. Last week the goose started laying eggs. She hasnt became broody yet and I havent touched her eggs. However, I'm hearing that she will die if I let her hatch the eggs. I was told that she will starve herself. I really dont understand...
  3. southernchicken9

    HELP!!! Theirs something wrong with my goose!

    Thank you so much for your kind words and support.This makes me feel better about not being a virus. However, I need to be more careful of the feed being wet. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. My ducks and goose were free range and they had feed. They would wet their feed but eat...
  4. southernchicken9

    HELP!!! Theirs something wrong with my goose!

    Well, my sweet little goose passed away this morning. This is such a shock to me. It happen so suddenly and I'm so heartbroken. I can't stop crying. I don't know how this could of happen. He has buddies(mallard ducks) that are looking for him. But some how I think they know. I'm also concern...
  5. southernchicken9

    HELP!!! Theirs something wrong with my goose!

    I just got back from the vet and he said that it was respiratory infection. I got him on a strong antibiotics, however it doesn't look good. He said it might be to late. Is this true?
  6. southernchicken9

    HELP!!! Theirs something wrong with my goose!

    I have a two an half mth. old goose that is acting like he can't breathe. he's inhaling deeply and wheezing. Is their anything that I can do? I don't want to lose him!
  7. Default


  8. southernchicken9

    WTB Mallard ducks

    WTB Female mallard ducks. I live in GA. Would like to pick up.
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