Recent content by ssdyle

  1. ssdyle

    Just the yolk Ma’am

    It just getting worse. We have 12 hens, one has started laying just the yolk, no, none, nada, not even a little bit of shell. Needless to say it makes a mess of the other eggs in the nesting box. Now it seems that who ever is doing it also craps all over the other eggs. This has happened...
  2. ssdyle

    Combs go pale chicken dies a couple days later.

    We have had two hens die in the last two weeks. They start getting lethargic and the comb and waddle starts to pale and then they're dead in a couple of days. Noticed that both had a pretty heavy infestation of lice. Did a complete tear down on the coop, scrubbed sprayed , new bedding. Any help...
  3. ssdyle

    Mouser Hens?

    I've watched my Jersey giants catch and eat several mice. The first one was kind of discusting, they ripped it apart and all got a bit.Now they are big birds and they just swallow them whole after a bit of tenderizing.Watch the Velociraptors on Jurrasic Park and you'll see where they got the...
  4. ssdyle

    Making my own suet from pann drippings?

    Thanks Bambi, How often do you feed it to them?
  5. ssdyle

    Making my own suet from pann drippings?

    Tami, its just grease, if you mix in some oats and bird seed lots of songbirds will eat it
  6. ssdyle

    Making my own suet from pann drippings?

    Is it possible to make some sort of suet cake from my pan drippings ? is it safe for the girls to eat?I normally pour the drippings into a coffee can till its full then toss it. And we're talking everything from bacon grease to hamburger fat. Just wondering, seems like some extra fat in the...
  7. ssdyle

    How many a day can I eat??

    Since the girls started laying I've been eating 2-3 eggs a day.My DW says that it can't be healthy to eat that many eggs all the time.They're organic free ranging chickens, I don't know what could be healthier Any opinions on this matter? Thanks Sonny
  8. ssdyle

    Feeding the hens their egg shells

    DW wants to feed the hens back their shells, fixing it in with their weekly treats,Is this a good idea or will it somehow promote egg canibalism? sonny
  9. ssdyle

    Keeping the girls names straight

    We have 10 Jersey Giants.One Roo two grey hens and seven black hens.I can tell the roo and the greys apart for obvious reasons ,but the seven black hens all look identical to me. Any suggestions as to how to tell them apart, they just started laying this last month and I would be curious as to...
  10. ssdyle

    Why are 5-8 week old birds huddling in a group by the wall at night?

    Well , good to know its not just us with strange chickens. We have 12 black Jersey giants,about 10 weeks old, and they all sleep in a pile as well.Yesterday I built them a nice stair type roost with 3 seperate rails and they looked at it like it was going to eat them.I baited 5 of them to the...
  11. ssdyle

    Scare tactics used to increase productivity

    We'll see how this works Original recipe or extra crispy.? Mom? Mom? You in there???? Just kidding. Sonny
  12. ssdyle

    Hello All from Planet Utah

    Hello, Glad I found you guys ,6 weeks into 12 Jersey Giant chicks and all is well.The old guy we got them from says he sexed them but I think we're about half and half on boys and girls.Some of them have waddles some have combs , When will we know for sure? Anyway , love the site and thanks in...
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