Recent content by Terry17

  1. Terry17

    Anyone in Upstate NY

    I'm 20 minutes east of Albany, in Rensselaer county. I've got 15 hens (NH Reds, Buff Rock, and Black Star) and one Henry (a NH red rooster who was a surprise)! I'm thinking about adding Ameraucanas (or maybe just Easter Eggers) next year.
  2. Terry17

    Area around chickens eye swollen

    Thanks for the help-- I'm fairly new at this, and when I went to the Internet to try to figure out what was wrong, each answer was worse than the one before! (I was nearly convinced all my chickens would go blind, die horrible deaths, and then a meteor would fall on my house. Well, that's the...
  3. Terry17

    Area around chickens eye swollen

    I have a 6 week old Buff Rock whose left eye suddenly swelled up about a week ago. I put terramycin ointment on it and the next day after the swelling went down (some) I noticed a small cut in the upper lid. She's currently on soluble terramycin in her water, but the swelling is receding at a...
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