Anyone in Upstate NY

Hey another person from Binghamton!!!! Yeah I was beginning to think I was all alone.
I have some Marans and wheaten/blue Wheatens Ameraucanas in the bator right now. They are due Sunday

I will be looking for homes for some of them.
I'm in Cortland, about 1/2 hour south of Syracuse and about 40 minutes north of Binghamton. I just joined last week or so and I have chickens on order from a lady in Ithaca. I'm planning a small flock of Buff Orpingtons for now. I grew up with Rhode Island Reds and Bantam Somethings (can't remember what!), as well as ducks. My older brother and sister each have their own little flocks and I figured it's my turn! Now to get ready before the chicks come...I've got a potting shed to convert to a coop and a run to build. Nice to meet everyone.
Hope the weather is nice this weekend!
I'm 20 minutes east of Albany, in Rensselaer county. I've got 15 hens (NH Reds, Buff Rock, and Black Star) and one Henry (a NH red rooster who was a surprise)! I'm thinking about adding Ameraucanas (or maybe just Easter Eggers) next year.

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