Recent content by Windy_Acres

  1. Windy_Acres

    How can I tell if my hen is pregnant?

    I do hatch babies every spring, and we usually do it with a whole farm unit, and talk about all of the food. The misconceptions are very sad- although the boy who thought eggs came from eggplants was probably my favourite. I also had a group that became so excited when they realized how yummy...
  2. Windy_Acres

    How can I tell if my hen is pregnant?

    This is true. We had this conversation in my kindergarten class just the other day while looking at a picture of a bunch of birds on a power line. One of the boys commented, very seriously, that he thought it was a bird factory, where birds got made. :eek:. I said “hang on, do birds come from...
  3. Windy_Acres

    Integrating 2 groups of young chicks

    Just as an update, there were absolutely no problems. I dropped them off in their cozy box, they wandered out and went to a food bowl, and the older chicks made them some room. 0 squabbles. I was more than pleased! We hung around and kept an eye for an hour or so, and I told them to watch over...
  4. Windy_Acres

    Integrating 2 groups of young chicks

    This is what I typically do to add new babies to my big girls, but I'm wondering if this is necessary when they are all still babies.
  5. Windy_Acres

    Integrating 2 groups of young chicks

    yes, 2-3 days apart
  6. Windy_Acres

    Integrating 2 groups of young chicks

    So, I did a hatch in 2 batches for my brother in law, because I hatch in my tiny incubator for my kindergarten class, but he wanted about 20 chicks so I borrowed a bigger incubator that was much older, less stable, and with much less visibility for kids to watch so I ran that one at home. I...
  7. Windy_Acres

    Newly hatched chick can’t get his legs under him

    Thanks, that helps. I’m having a little trouble getting the wrap to stay on, but we’ll figure something out. This definitely pointed us in the right direction. And yes, it’s super cute- too endearing!
  8. Windy_Acres

    Newly hatched chick can’t get his legs under him

    Trying to figure out how to upload a video, but here goes. I hatched a little guy this morning about 9:00, so almost 9 hours ago. He had pipped early yesterday, then today zipped around about an inch and a half, then was banging and banging to get out for a couple hours. I finished the zip...
  9. Windy_Acres

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Key note
  10. Windy_Acres

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Small world
  11. Windy_Acres

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Set line
  12. Windy_Acres

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Afternoon nap
  13. Windy_Acres

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Peanut brittle
  14. Windy_Acres

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Peanut brittle
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