Recent content by Trog

  1. Trog

    Integrating chickens...

    Thank you so much! I will try your suggestions! I am heading out to take care of it right now! Thanks!
  2. Trog

    Integrating chickens...

    C'mon someone has to have had this experience...Right?!?!?
  3. Trog

    Integrating chickens...

    I am trying to integrate a chicken into my 2-3 year flock. I have some "Browns" and a friend gave me a black cochin that is about 5months. I put the chicken in the established flocks coop at night and they give her a heck of a time during the day. I have been locking them (the browns) out of...
  4. Trog

    She's out!

    None of the others' are showing signs of hatching. She looks dry. She's so active.
  5. Trog

    She's out!

    Okay, when can I take her out of the incubator? I use the term "her" generally.
  6. Trog

    It's happening!

    Okeedookee, I came home from work today and one of my eggs was cracked! I couldn't believe it! I haven't been able to stay away from the incubator for more than 10 minutes! For those of you who remember my first experience, this is alot better! I notice the humidity was down around 40%, so...
  7. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    So, wish me luck. I'll keep you posted as to the progress. Thanks again...
  8. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    Um, day 18 tomorrow didn't notice any veining, mostly dark. Mini mag-light, really dark room. I'm not going to handle them any more though. I'm just gonna wait now. I mean, after I take them off the turner. Oh, I had one vent hole open this time too. Live and learn. They are chicken eggs...
  9. Trog


    Really? They're all mean, eh? Is there a certain breed known to be friendlier?
  10. Trog


    Is there such a thing as a nice rooster? Mine is charging my kids and me. What do I do?
  11. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    Yes Yes! I marked the air cell on all 7. Should I be able to see movement? I think I'd like to try the carton idea. I will then place them in the carton pointy end down. The air cell isn't that big. It probably went down the egg 3/8-1/2" I'm getting really excited!
  12. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    K, I'm gonna head down now to do that. Thanks again! Really!
  13. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    Thank you so much! So, I should candle them tonight?
  14. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    I did an eggtopsy. most of the eggs were completely ready...feathers, wings, etc. but they didn't hatch. According to a few resources..humidity. Iwas concerned that i maybe drown them, hence the position of the egg question. Should I candle them then tonight? I haven't had the bator open at...
  15. Trog

    egg position during hatch

    This is my second experience with hatching. First did not go so well. I am just confirming the position of the egg in the tray...the book I've used as a reference says small end down. Is that correcet, or is that just in the beginning? HELP! Did some of you say you used egg cartons in the...
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