Recent content by Urban Flock

  1. Urban Flock


    Hi, Her ads contain her contact number so you could call her and not just use email. She presently has 12 ads on CL ranging from selling Eggs, Chickens, and poultry supplies and feed from her small farm. If you google her business Sunny Side Up Chicken Emporium you will see that she has been...
  2. Urban Flock

    Comment by 'Urban Flock' in article 'Pemberley At The Little Red Farmhouse - My3jsons's Chicken Coop'

    Wow!! That is an amazing coop. Handsome enough to tempt me!
  3. Urban Flock

    Dehydrated hen acting lethargic

    Make sure she stays hydrated. An eye dropper with some water in the side of the beak. Not too much at a time. Make sure she is swallowing. I keep poultry nutri drench on hand at all times. It is a liquid I can dilute down to help when I have a sick chicken. Picked up a Speckled Sussex from the...
  4. Urban Flock

    In need of some mite suggestions/help!

    Wood Ash.....I don't know if it kills them. We always have wood ash on hand and toss a bit into their dusting spots now and then. We only had a problem with mites once before we started using ash. Bought a chicken from a lady that had close to 30. It was a specific type we wanted. Didn't check...
  5. Urban Flock

    Lots of Rooster questions.....need. some advice

    Keeping 2 Roos together with 13 hens probably won't work. They will fight. 1 Roo for 13 is sufficient. As far as getting a nice Roo it's a toss up. They may or may not turn out to be nice. They may be nice for a few years then turn into a snarky creature. You can never be positive about anything...
  6. Urban Flock

    Weird Acting Chicken With Weird Looking Poop!!!!!!!!!

    We picked up Corid at our local Grange. Ours came in a powder. I am guessing most feed stores should carry it. I keep Poultry Nutri-Drench on hand for any chicks or hens that are sick or week. Gives them fluids and vitamins at the same time. Have a Speckled Sussex that was stuck on a plane an...
  7. Urban Flock

    Help! Important questions regarding our Cream Legbars!!

    x2 Looks like a Roo to me as well.
  8. Urban Flock

    Wood Shavings?

    My last batch of chicks ate the shavings like crazy! They are now 16 wks old and doing fine.
  9. Urban Flock

    How vigilant are you?

    I keep a pair of shoes at the back door just for the chicken area and have a barn jacket that I use just for the chicken area as well. When friends visit I just make sure they are locked up in the run. That way I don't have to explain any concerns. Once in the habit it is easy.
  10. Urban Flock

    What do you do when your hens are fighting?

    I agree with drumstick dive, rehome at least one of them.
  11. Urban Flock

    Comment by 'Urban Flock' in article 'When Will My Chicken Lay? Tips and Tricks to Help You Rule the Roost!'

    Thanks for the photo of the SQUAT. Always have people ask me when their birds will lay. Will send them to this article. Funny about the Australorps mentioned by bruceha2000. My BA does not squat, never seen her do it in the 2 years we have had her. Our EE's took the longest to start laying out...
  12. Urban Flock

    Hardware cloth for chicken run question

    We used 1/4" hardware cloth on our run. Across the top where it overlapped I whip stitched the seams together with copper wire (what we had on hand). This was time consuming but easy. I don't have to worry about anything squeezing through.
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