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  • HI Amy, I just wanted to thank you for being so helpful on BYC. You have helped me and A LOT of other members. Thank you. :)
    Our 3 RIR chicks,one 2 weeks old, one
    11 days old and one 9 days old. are thriving in a brooder which is at a temperature around 30 - 32 degrees.,

    We are having a mini heatwave in the UK at present with the outside temperature around 30 degrees.

    would it be safe to put the chicks outside on the grass in a moveable pen that we have, just for an hour or so?
    I have set them!! Managed to get 27 in this time. 4 Amber link cross polish. And 23 polish. I reckon without the Amber eggs in there I could get 30 plus polish in. Maybe next time cod I'm naughty!!
    Hope you having a lovely day :)
    I'm good thanks Amy! 31 no wonder your brooder is full. Makes it even more special when you incubate your own eggs. How will you hold off untill July? I'm not sure I would have the will power, I just can't stop myself!!
    Have a lovely day today :)
    Hi Amy!! How's things all good for you I hope? Got anything cooking in the incubator at the moment ? I'm thinking about setting some more at the weekend. My Easter chicks are now three weeks so by the time any new ones hatch they should be well out of the brooding shed. Hope your having a lovely day :)
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