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  • Ok... you seem to have experience with guineas. So, my problem is this....how and when can I introduce new to old? I have one adult hen (1 y/o) and 20 (6 week old). They have been “look and no touch” for two weeks now. I tried twice to let the adult join in. She was so aggressive and downright vicious I had to separate them.
    What would be the ratio of vinager to water you use to remove the shells? I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER TO THE EXTRA EGGS. Ease of peeling would be fantastic.
    I have a BR roo, he is 9 weeks old, and just started crowing. We will have to turn him into dinner ASAP because we aren't allowed roosters here. If you are interested Cind offered to pick him up and bring him to the party/bash. I have a pick of him as my avatar and could take more if you are interested.
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