Chicken Girl1
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  • We LOVE them! There are 7 movies. No, we haven't. We'll have to though!

    Oh my goodness, she is so lucky! Seriously!

    My family has always said that I look like Audrey Hepburn :)

    Have you ever watched High Society (1956)?
    Oh my goodness, I love all of those! I love Deborah Kerr, Cary Grant, Bob Hope (a HUGE favorite), Bing Crosby, (Have you ever watched the Road to series?)
    Marilyn Monroe, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Ginger and Fred, Elvis, Elizabeth Taylor, Lana Turner, Clark Gable, Burt Lancaster, William Holden, Gary Cooper, John Wayne, etc.
    I love it! Thanks!
    THAT IS EXACTLY HOW IT IS! I know NO celebrities from today, but I practically know every single celebrity that was alive from the 1930s to the 1960s :D The 50s, oh my goodness, LOVE! :D

    My favorites are Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Lucille Ball, and Frank Sinatra <3
    I know! It seems like this year just started, and the summers nearly over. I already have molting birds!
    Congrats on the eggs! I still have another month or so until I start getting pullet eggs.
    I hope you're getting some of this nice weather up there. Have a wonderful afternoon! :)
    Hello Meg! Long time no talk. :) I am doing well, thanks for asking! The Ducks and Chickens are doing great, and so are the other animals. My young Turkeys however have gotten Blackhead this year, so I have been giving them pills everyday, and hoping they make it through.
    How are you, and your critters doing? I hope you've had a great summer too! :)
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