

The Andalusian breed of chicken, like the beautiful Andalusian horse, was developed in the...
Pros: Good Layer, Attractive Bird
Cons: Tendency to be aggressive
These are really attractive birds and they reliably lay a white egg each day. However, they (at least mine) have a tendency to become aggressive toward the other hens and the Rooster I had (before I had to get rid of him) was very people aggressive. I understand that this is not uncommon with Mediterranean breeds so I will avoid that group in the future.
Pros: Beautiful, sweet, calm, wonderful!
Cons: A little crazy LOL
My little Blue! She's such a sweetie! She loves jumping on my our backs and flying across the yard LOL! She's got the prettiest color and the biggest crown! Love her!
Pros: two eggs a day beautiful fast
Cons: man to other chickens queenly
i love my wild andelusian
Pros: Very pretty, easy to catch, mature
Cons: Flighty, shy
I have recently bought a blue Andalusian pullet and she's been one of my best purchases. She's around 4 months old and I am expecting her to start laying soon. While she isn't quite as friendly as the other chickens, she is a beautiful sight and a great addition to the flock! She gets along great with my Cochin roo and my 3 smaller pullets, and she's always the first one into the roost at night and the last one out in the morning. I actually did not research her breed at all and originally went to purchase some leghorns, but I saw her and just could not leave without her. Too too pretty not to have! Once I got home I was excited to hear that Andalusians are good layers. I cannot wait until she starts laying! Superb bird!
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Pros: Beautiful
Cons: Wild, flighty
Everybody says these are small. I have 2 from2 different hatcheries and both are 8 pound hens! I am going to try my third one for meat. They lay medium white eggs, maybe 5 per week. They are very flighty and beautiful. I would not pick them over leghorns in the future. Also RIR and PR both outlay them on the brown side.
Pros: Small, thrifty bird, consistently laying medium to large eggs, predator savvy, Very weather hardy
Cons: Roosters tend to be aggressive breeders
I was pleasantly surprised that the Andalusians, while being large combed birds, actually had no comb freeze problems over the winter. I live in Northwest Montana, and our weather is extreme, from extreme heat in summer, to extreme cold in winter (30 to -20 degrees and colder). These birds forage quite well, but have a tendency to want to roost in the trees as opposed to a coop, where they are safe from owls. That said, they aren't bothered by the rain, preferring to forage during the rainfall.
They are quite attractive, foraging out in the fields, with the variety of blues, lacing and shades of grey, and for all thir independence are quite friendly. I would highly recommend these birds to anyone that wanted a friendly, independent bird that will lay great eggs, is pretty, and very hardy through a diversity of weather conditions and environments, and with their smaller size thrifty with feed and foraging!
Pros: Great layers, beautiful body color
Cons: Wild
Have raised three Andalusians and lost all three due to jumping in trees at night, and getting eaten by the bobcat in the morning. The hen had wonderful eggs, which she started laying at 22 weeks; they were medium in size and a pretty white. I loved my Andalusians a lot; but for a friendly backyard chicken, it would take some perseverance to get one truly tame, which is why I have given three stars.
Pros: lays Constantly
Cons: Bully
although i love my hen i do say that she bullies the other hens, she is the dominant hen in the coop. only con.
they lay big white eggs.she is a good setter. i have 3 young daughter and a cockerel from her and my black Americana roo. , offspring carry them selfs with confidence. Good Mom.
Pros: Beautiful and great layer of big white eggs
Cons: skittish
My Blue Andalusian in beautiful! She is not very friendly but she lays 4-5 white eggs a week!
Pros: friendly, chatty, independent, energetic
Cons: can't think of one right now other than they do FLY but stay in our large fenced area usually
We have had two Blue Andalusian pullets now for several months. They haven't started laying yet as they came to us as chicks from McMurray Hatchery not too long ago. I have placed an order for some more of them. They are very talkative and active.

They come up to me and look at me quite a bit, and seem to like to be around humans. They don't like to be held or caught, but then none of our current chickens were hand-tamed. I wouldn't want to confine them as they move about the very large pen with great vigor.

I have only had to go rescue one hen once in the several months that we have had them, after she flew outside the very large fenced area and couldn't find her way back in. These chickens would fly out if they aren't wanting to be in though.

I will try to remember to update this when we start getting eggs.
Pros: They are fine being held, they are pretty, have a great personality, and are sweet
Cons: They like flying especially to high places.
This year I ordered a Blue Andalusian chick along with some others. She is a sweet little girl that comes running to me when I go outside she is also very curious about what I am doing and likes to peck with her little beak at whatever I hold. Charcoal ( my andalusian chick) is fine with being held and loves to have a good rub down her neck, her color is beautiful compared to the other chicks I ordered. They are cute and curious little chickens some can be flighty if you don't handle them constantly but overall I am happy with their personality and temperament.

My little girl Charcoal.
Pros: Pretty, Tame, Doesn't Mind Being Picked Up, Good Egg Layers, VERY Photogenic
Cons: Doesn't like to be caught, Can Fly Easily, Combs Flop Over
The pictures are in reverse chronological order. This is such a gorgeous chicken breed. She was flighty when I bought her but with regular handing and bread, she's fine with being held. She's not mean to other chickens and she's not a crazy noise maker when she lays eggs like some other chickens. She was awarded a blue ribbon at a fair I went to.

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Pros: pretty bird, lovely colour and size egg
Cons: flighty, aggressive
I only have two of these girls in my flock and they are both the same temperment...they like to be left alone. And not just by me, but by the other hens as well. They have no problem standing up for themselves which is surprising since they are probably the smallest breed I have in my yard. Their egg-laying is low; sometimes just three or four med/large blush-coloured eggs in a week. I was under the impression (according to "Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart") that their production would be 3-4 eggs per week, but mine have never produced that much. They are now two years old...I don't see it getting better, but I will certainly keep them. The silver/grey colour is definitely a pretty addition to my flock.

Even in a molt she's pretty
Pros: Resilient, Healthy, Parasite Resistant, excellent layers & foragers.
Cons: Very Stand offish bird
I bought my mixed flock of pure bred girls a little over a year ago & was instantly struck by the beauty of my 2 Blue Andalusians. We live in the very dry Southern NM High Desert & they have truly thrived here.

The most impressive attribute is parasite resilience. Due to illness I had to have my girls "Bird sat" by a friend of a friend. They lived there for 4 months & when they came home the 2 Andy's were the only girls that still looked like chickens. Everyone had a severe mite infestation except for my Andy girls.
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Pros: Very friendly
I have 3 from McMurray - 1 Blue, 1 Splash, 1 Black. I did have 2 splash but one of them died. The Black and Blues are very friendly, the splash is not. She's scared of me. The Blue, however, has been my friendliest chick since day 1. Now, at 5 weeks old, she always wants to be perching on me. Even when I take them outside to let them explore their soon-to-be coop & run area, the Blue always finds time to come crawl into my lap!
Pros: Beautiful, Good Layer, Friendly
Cons: None so far
My Blue Andalusian, Silver, is one of my favorite chickens. She is seven months old and is a delightful member of the flock. Her coloring and lacing is just beautiful even though she is a hatchery chick. She lays a medium to large white egg 6 days a week with an occasional jumbo. She fits in well with my flock and does not pick on the other girls, but does stand up for herself. I do have to keep her in a covered run when I do not want her to free range because she is a good flyer, but she is very good about coming in when called. I would love her appearance and spirit and would definetly recommend Andalusians to anyone.
She was about four months here.
Pros: Amazing, sweet, personality, nice to other chickens, just great!
Cons: None, not one single thing
I had two of these chickens but the second night one died. The one that lived (Greysie) Is absolutely fantastic! I love her so much
Pros: Stunning, excellent layers of large white eggs, friendly, curious, good foragers, intelligent
Cons: Can be aggressive to birds lower on pecking order, not the hardiest chicks

I've had one for two years now and she's very much a "momma's girl". Loves to be petted, held, hand fed, or even carried around the yard. Very reliable layers of surprisingly large white eggs. They're fairly capable flyers so that might be a concern for some people but has never been much a problem for me, I just pick her out of whatever tree she's decided to roost in.
Never had a problem with aggression till reintroducing a sick hen to the flock and suddenly learned how primal Andalusian's can be! Also worth noting is that I received two of these birds in a mixed order of chick breeds and didn't think either of them was going to make it when they first arrived. Definitely more delicate than any other breed I'd cared for at that point. Perfectly cold and heat hardy once they're older though as in Colorado we deal with a lot of weather extremes. I'd adopt more in a heartbeat.
Pros: Lays almost every day, very productive
Cons: Noisy, noisy, noisy!!
Our little blue Andalusian is a great layer, lays medium size eggs almost every day. She's the smallest bird with the biggest attitude- she's the alpha hen, even though both others are way bigger than she is. She fights dirty! Good with people, though, She is SO freaking noisy, though! Likes to make a shrieking noise... To sum up, great layer, very thrifty, good egg return for such a little bird, beautiful, good with people, can be bossy with other chickens. Do NOT get if you want a quiet chicken! You can hear her down the block!
Pros: Lays Blue And Green Eggs
Cons: A Bit Shy
I have an Andalusian x Pekin, named Kelly, who I got from the same breeder that Sally came from. I got
her three days ago, the same time I got Sally (Faverolles). She hasn't started laying
eggs yet as she is still adjusting to her new environment. Kelly sticks
near Sally, who I think is her best friend. The breeder said she
lays blue and green eggs, so I am excited about that.
There is one con. She is shy. But I am not really
worried about that.

I recommend this breed for show and collecting! :)

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