Reviews by 333dawn333


Pros: sweet natured, calm, curious...a lover of MUD and cucumbers
Cons: none so far (16 months in)
Let's all cheer and celebrate!!!!! The Wonderful and Beautiful Lady Thelma gifted me with 359 eggs in 365 days!!!!! She is 16 months old and quite the leader of the pack... she was and still is the smallest of the group and lays the largest eggs. She is a Golden 300 breed. Go, T, GO!!!
Her happiest days are after a good rain. That beauty loves MUD!!! I wish I had more than one of this breed and next year I will. She is sweet, calm, curious and loving. She sits next to me quietly waiting for treats. She also follows me around the yard and pastures. I have 5 ducks but she outshines them all. (2 Swedish Blues & 2 Cayuga--not good layers BTW)
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