Reviews by allpeepedout


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet personality, pretty eggs, large eggs relative to bird size, integrates well with flock, winter hardy
Cons: None come to mind
My only Welsummer came from a hatchery. She arrived by mail in poor shape and was very undersized. She pulled through with extra attention but was stunted for many months. However, she eventually caught up and matured to a normal 4-5 lbs. She is among my sweetest birds in a mixed flock of half-dozen-plus other breeds and does well with others. She is always quiet and calm. She lays beautiful terracotta eggs that seem large for her size, so she is likely good for feed efficiency. I wish I had more Welsummers and will be including them in future additions. After molting last fall, she has resumed her second season of laying in mid-January, ahead of most of my other layers. She has been fine in heat and cold.
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