Reviews by arthury


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, approachable
Cons: Eats more
I have 6 chicks as of now: 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Islands, 1 Plymouth Rock and 1 unidentifiable.

The Buffs are the most approachable and the largest. They are reasonably active and noise level is a lot less than Plymouth Rocks.
They certainly eat more than the rest and are also larger than everyone else. Mine are only about 6+ weeks and so, I cannot comment on their egg-laying capabilities yet.

In terms of intelligence, they were one of the first ones to learn how to use the chicken nipple water dispensers. The Rocks were first to pick it up.

I am not sure whether this is an individual personality but both my Buffs are pretty confident birds and lead the rest of the flock.

Based on my experience with these two Buffs, they are the quietest among the 6 chickens. They do not whine when kept in the coop+run for longer periods of time.

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