Reviews by atira


Super Admin
Pros: Unsure but first eggs at 20 weeks
Cons: They started out to be the most anti-social chickens in the world!
Although my girls started out anti-social and would not allow me near them even if I had treats...I can now say since they are starting to mature and attempting to lay girls are now becoming hand tame...They squat down and spread their wings a little (makes me think of them breeding) and now let me pet them. One hen is very vocal since the rooster was killed. She watches out and allows certain feral cats to lay beside their pen area and 2 other feral cats get near, it sounds like WW3 breaking loose. She stands her ground until I go and chase off the "bad" cats...then she calms down. I really like my girls now more than I originally had. But my favorites are the 3 Turkens (dinosaur which have always been friendly. So I now have the 3 Turkens and 12 Welsummers.
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