Reviews by blackgoat


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly (maybe a bit too friendly), great layer, sharp looking
Cons: Small eggs, small size, bossy, mean to other chickens
They may be on the small side, and they are a bit mean to the other chickens, but I have to give this breed a five out of five. I never really liked the barred coloration from pictures, but, when I put in my chick order, they only had seven breeds to choose from, so I got two of each. I was super excited to get any chicks at all, so I wasn't picky at that point. The Doms ended up being the sweetest chicks of the bunch. They were happy to sit on your lap all day if they could. When they got older, they would jump on my shoulder when I sat outside (they still try to, but cute baby chicks on your shoulder is one thing, full grown chickens is quite another).

Full grown, they are the smallest of the flock, but that doesn't stop them from bossing the other chickens around. They are always the first to come running up when I bring them treats. Lacey, the one pictured, even jumped the fence one day when I was in the front yard working on the car and came over to see what I was doing. She laid her first couple of eggs on the porch, (I like to think because it was easier for me to get them there, lol) and will happily walk right in the door if it's open (which it is when the weather is nice). The pic is fairly representational of their attitude. They are very "in-your-face" chickens, they want to know at all times what you are doing. The other Dom is a bit meaner to the rest of the flock (and the dog), so she may have to go, but I will never be able to part with Lacey, she has truly endeared herself to me.

They are on the small side (not a downside for me), and their eggs are small, but they are great layers. Their rose comb and tall tails give them a sharp look. And, I actually really like the barring in person, it can be quite striking in the sunlight.

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Pros: Pretty plumage, low key, mellow
Cons: Low on pecking order, kind of stand-offish, dull personality
I know that is a funny title, but, this is coming from someone with a small flock, and I enjoy the chickens with more personality. After reading about how nice and friendly Orpingtons were, I added a couple of Buffs to my first chick order. I think of all the chicks I got, seven different breeds, they are my least favorite. They don't seem particularly interested in coming to greet me when I come out, and are hesitant to take food out of my hand. They aren't unfriendly, but they seem to want to stay back a bit. I think they might be a little dull on the smarts, too. One of them keeps roosting on the gate, and I have to go put her inside the chicken house when it rains. They were the last to start laying, out of seven breeds. They are pretty, but just not enough for me to want to keep them. I think I may be finding new homes for them next Spring.

They are low-key, don't cause trouble and lay just fine, although slow to mature. They are fairly pretty. It just depends on what you want from a chicken.
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