Reviews by CaramelKittey

Pros: Pros: I have four hens (never had a rooster of this breed) and they are super sweet! They are very friendly and love to be the center of attention. I especially love their small eggs so I can use 1/2 egg if I want to make 1/2 batch of any recipe that calls for 1 egg. My four hens get along well together however they are separated from my other larger breeds so they don't get hurt. They have also been super kind to my no-longer-lonely polish bantam.
Cons: Cons: As I said above, they love to be the center of attention, and my hens will peck my fingers, feet, and pull at my hair if they want me to pay attention to them.
I have four gorgeous hens whom I love! The d'uccle is such a beautiful breed I only have nice things to say about...almost..
My Pet Hens
My Mille Fleur had no problem with the bigger girls. She rulled the roost even with the Bramas and Jersy Giants.
My Pet Hens
Just lost my Mile Fleur and molted Cochen. My cochin is just gone and Moma my Mille Fleur was dead in run.


Super Admin
Pros: This is a nice friendly breed with soft downy feathers. I loved my silkie hen's eggs and she was (and still is!) a sweet bird.
Cons: My full-sized hen only layed for 4-5 years compared to my other hens that layed 6-7 years. The full-sized silkie is a commercial meat breed that is not recognized by the American Poultry Association.
I have a sweet full-sized silkie hen who has only ever bought joy to me!
I have heard many people say that they get sick very easily however my silkie hen is a free-range bird who has never gotten sick.
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