Reviews by Chickawawa


Pros: beautiful, gentle, inquisitive, on guard
Cons: can be obnoxious about getting treats
This is the breed I originally wanted to start my chicken rearing adventure with because after researching many breeds I felt they were a good fit due to their gentle and friendly nature. It didn't hurt that they are gorgeous birds as well. We did NOT get to start with them but I'm glad we were able to purchase some earlier this month. They took very little time to tame down in comparison with our RIRs and other than one "Alpha" hen who can be a bit obnoxious when it comes to hogging treats (which I take partial responsibility for) they have been very gentle and have an inquisitive nature. It didn't take them long to adapt to our schedule and my calls to "come get a treat" and "it's time to go to bed."

I bought a rooster from a different breeder and have been thrilled with how gentle he has been both with the hens and with our family. My three year old regularly feeds him by hand and I look forward to letting the first one to go broody hatch out some eggs for us.

Additionally, I have noticed they seem to be more predator wary than our other breeds (SPPR and RIR). They have done great free-ranging and more times than not we get a Jumbo creamy tan egg.

This breed is here to stay in our flock.
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