Reviews by ChickenWisprur

Pros: Stable (for chickens), good natured, good layers.
Cons: One is quite large and dumb, the other has a wry-tail and is very smart
They are very quiet hens, still fly more than my last 2 chickens did, but not as likely to go over the fence as my Lakenvelder. They did quite a bit of mock fighting early on, with hackles raised and threaetning each other with spurless kicks. They were quite easy to tame, and are friendly with me but aggressive with my son, who is 17 and hasn't spent much time with them. Othe larger one, Ellie Mae, has moulted and it took a long time for the color to come back to her comb. Fannie Mae went through a partial moult, probably in sympathy. They are both laying every other day now.
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