Reviews by CraftyChickLeann


Super Admin
Pros: GORGEOUS EGGS! Calm and friendly too
Cons: Not big layers over the winter, at least not up north
We absolutely love our Marans. We have black copper, splash and a few cuckoos. The black coppers lay the darkest eggs and our 1 splash lays the prettiest egg I get! It is ombre light to dark on the bottom with speckles throughout. I wish I had a dozen more of her with those eggs!!! LOL Our rooster is trustworthy with my 4 year old grandson and the hens will just come up and lay at your feet, peck out of your bucket. My grandson loves to feed them from the giant spoon we dish their food out with. 15032860_10210763603067353_4667800783082575451_n.jpg Batgirl1-2017.jpg
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