Reviews by Deb B


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful birds, big beautiful eggs, gets along with my other breeds
Cons: none so far
I only have one Welsummer girl who I bought as a 8 month old pullet this winter, but I fell in love with her and her eggs and will be hatching more later this spring. She is neither overly friendly or overly skittish. She's calm when you are around but doesn't like to be picked up. She lays beautiful extra large sized eggs that are dark brown and speckled. She isn't the most prolific layer, laying about 4 eggs a week (but it's still early spring with snow on the ground so maybe that will pick up shortly). She gets along nicely with the rest of the flock and adjusted quickly when I moved her to my flock. She even kept laying right through the period I had her quarantined. All in all, she was a great addition to my flock.
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