Reviews by dpetzen


Super Admin
Pros: Easy to handle, relatively quiet, fantastic personalities, 300+ eggs a year
Cons: Short life span, prone to severe illnesses because of extreme breeding
I've had 12 (9 still alive) of these incredible birds. They are all rescue birds, so I've only known them from when they were 18 months old, but they are amazing birds. Fairly quiet, very active and completely hilarious; they give me so much joy. They just seem to love life.
I normally wait a few weeks before I named them, as their personalities needs to develop after they get out of the factory, but when they do, then their names are obvious ;-)
That said, the extreme breeding, which in my experience eventually ruins their internal organs and they seem to be prone to gastroenteritis. I've lost at least 2 of my darlings this way.
Purchase Price
Normally around $2
Purchase Date


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Thomas Lamprogiorgos
Your chickens, those in the photo, are Red Sex Links, not production reds.
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