Reviews by DYNO360


Super Admin
Pros: Gentle and very impressive appearance
Cons: not the best egg and meat birds
I really like the way these birds look. I had some and marveled at their blood read combs and wattles and the contrast with the jet black feathers. The males get large, black sickle feathers that have iridescent highlights. Awesome. I had a cock that had spurs on his legs as big as your ring finger, that would scare you. Tall bird that looked ferocious, but was tame as a "pussy cat". Good show birds, but I wouldn't want a flock for egg or meat production.
Pros: Friendly, Beautiful, Good Layers
Cons: not the best mothers
Been fooling with chickens for over 35 years and the New Hampshires are still my favorite. I was lucky enough to have a hen that was almost perfect; she always won the blue ribbon at shows and local fairs. She would follow me around the farm and was always looking to see what I was doing. She was almost a pest, but I loved her, and she loved to be picked up and held. Best bird I ever had. Good egg layers, too. Would recommend them to anyone starting out. My New Hampshires didn't go broody as much as I had wished, but you can't have it all.
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