Reviews by jallen062


Super Admin
Pros: Great layers, hardy, sweet, gentle, funny, great foragers
Cons: none.
I LOVE my buffs. We got chickens because my son and I are allergic to cats and dogs and the kids wanted pets. We got all buffs because I read that they were the best "beginner" chickens. They are like dogs- they come when they are called, loved to be picked up, eat out of your hand. My kids pull them around on sleds in winter and take them in the pool in summer. They are the best pets I could have ever hoped to have. They lay an egg every day or two, and started laying around 5-6 months old. They forage so well that they hardly eat their pellets in summer. We are getting a few more chicks this spring and I really hope that I love those breeds as much as my buffs. Otherwise, I will rehome them and get more buffs!
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