Reviews by karimw

Iowa Blue

Pros: These birds are very hardy and terrific free range birds.
Cons: They are on the small side for table bird and could be better layers.
I embarked on a project to help return these birds to their historical popularity with some chicks from Ideal and Privett hatcheries in fall 2009. Since then I have worked with a group of others to increase popularity
and improve these birds and hopefully establish a standard for them. I am now beginning to plan my 5th generation and happily, I like the results!

We need these birds to be meatier and better layers without losing their inherent foraging and survival abilities. I have witnessed 2 occasions where IaB hens have successfully fought off hawks and they are clever, relentless broodies.

The color on these birds is quite varied and we are working on getting their type standardized.
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Pros: Heated
Cons: hard to fill without making a mess.
For me this waterer to be a huge disappointment. I find it to be difficult to fill without using a hose. It sloshes everywhere when you turn it over and the bottom has popped completely off on me twice dumping its contents all over. I did not find it to be a good replacement to the metal waterers and heated base.
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