Reviews by KlassAct

Pros: Can lay beautiful green and pink eggs. Come in a variety of colors
Cons: Trouble with heat
Since this is a cross between two breeds, the egg size and bird color varies with who the parents were. Some of mine lay large green eggs. One lays pink and another two lay tan eggs. One of mine (mostly white) is top of the flock and has bullied one production red to the point that I had to move the read to a different flock. My other 4 mature easter egger hens are toward the bottom of the pecking order and just go with the flow (three lavender and one pheasant).

I also have 4 poulettes and one rooster (ordered all poulettes) and they are now 12 weeks old. Rooster is starting to crow and has black/green tail feathers and pheasant coloring. All are very friendly so far. As chicks, they ranged from pale yellow with one black dot on the head (the one that turned out to be the roo) to chipmunk striped.

They have trouble with the heat in south Florida, but having a fan seems to help. I think the low rose comb does not allow them to expel heat as well as the breeds with single combs.
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