Reviews by LilChickens2


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet, Shy, Loves Treats
Cons: Inquisitive but doesn't tolerate being held
Our Cochin is comical. She makes me laugh every time she runs (she doesn't fly). When she runs, it is more like a waddle, her leg feathers flying in the wind. When she bends over and it's windy, all her bits are showing, like a southern lady caught in a freak storm. Mine hasn't laid yet, but she's been practicing in the nest box so I know she will be a good mama. I highly recommend Cochin's for the entertainment aspect and sweet character they add to any flock. Very gentle birds and she has never shown any aggression to flockmates.
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Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Quiet, Not Afraid, Kid Friendly
We have a mixed flock and our Buff Orpington never gets picked on nor does she pick on anyone else. Fits smoothly into our flock. She is a quiet bird. Always the first to eat out of our hands. Likes to be picked up and held. She is very trusting with our entire family, even the four year old. We haven't had eggs from her yet, but expect them soon. I would always have Orps in my flock.
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