Reviews by lily7grace92


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Pros: Decent layer
Puppy dog personality
Very sweet (gentle giant)
Cons: None
We have one black Langshan and she is definitely by far my favorite. She is very large at least 10-12lbs, but she is so nice to all the other hens and never bullies them even though shes the biggest. Very loud and vocal about getting what she wants when she wants. Has to be hand fed because the stuff on the ground is not good enough lol. (someones been very spoiled) She lays a medium sized light to dark brown egg 3-4 times a week. Never gone broody, but that's okay with me. Will follow me around looking for handouts and always comes running as soon as I call her. I would recommend this breed to anyone and am looking forward to getting a few chicks out of her sometime soon.
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Pros: Quiet
Great free-ranger
Reliable egg layer
Cons: Flighty
Hidden nests
The good and the bad about our Andalusian:

The good- She is a great layer of small round eggs (about 6-7 a week). She is a likable bird in the coop, somewhere in the middle of the pecking order and I have never seen her bully any of the other hens. Very quiet and I hardly notice she's there half the time, but she will come running as soon as I call her.
The bad- She loves to make hidden nests. Just the other day I found 6 eggs in the hay bales. She also likes to sleep in the rafters of the coop instead of the roosting bars which kinda makes a mess in the water... oh well. Doesn't like to be pet or held in the slightest (will screech like your trying to burn her alive).

In all a we love our Andalusian and may get more in the future.
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Super Admin
Pros: The absolute cutest
Good egg laying ability
Endless entertainment
A great way to add diversity to a flock
Cons: Flighty
Can't see well
Have a tendency to lay anywhere but the nesting box
They bother the other hens (no personal space)
Extremely LOUD
My personal experience with Polish hens:

The good- They have a great temperament when played with as baby chicks. We have one that loves to be picked up and will fall asleep in your arms. They are surprisingly good layers. We have had ours lay almost every day for close to 6 months through the winter even! (we do not use supplemental lighting at all either) They are so funny to watch and we have the greatest time just watching them around the yard. In all they are a good chicken to have especially if your looking for some fun poof heads to laugh at.
The bad- They DESTROY nesting boxes (kick ALL the hay, shavings whatever right out) and then they don't even lay in them! They can also be extremely flighty because they really can't see that good. It can be a pain the trim and keep their head feathers clean and keep them from icing up in the wintertime. One of our hens is probably louder than the rooster and voices her opinion a lot.
I really like my polish hens, but 3 is plenty and I probably wouldn't get more unless something happened to them.
Below is my buff laced bearded polish hen- Mrs. Santa Claus
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