Reviews by NajmoNests

Call Duck

Super Admin
Pros: small, requirements simple, readily procreate, people friendly, amiable with other poultry, livestock
Cons: hens are loud, can fly
I love call ducks! They are the ideal duck for persons with not much room for bigger ducks. To those close to neighbors, I suggest a pen of males as the hens are vocal. These ducks are quick and efficient insect and worm eradicaters. Provide them with a kiddie pool for hours of amusement. With one wing clipped, they won't fly off. They are gentle and make excellent pets, indoors or out.
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Super Admin
Pros: friendly, dedicated, protective mamas, soft, fluffy, people pleasers
Cons: none
Bantam Cochins are my favorite chickens.

They are people friendly, don't fly off, are talkative and motivated, THE best broody hens I ever owned! My balls of fluff have incubated & hatched their own, turkey, peafowl and Ducks eggs for me! They incubate, brood and raise all their hatches for as long as the babies want them to mother them. The odd species they raise do not think they are chickens. They eventually wander away from their fluffy mama and live as their species intended.
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