Reviews by Nimby Chickens

Pros: Great layers, friendly, pretty
Cons: Can be broody, bossy, loud!
I only have one of these girls, and her name is Nimby Nugget. She is a very nice girl and an early layer - started way before my heavy layers were supposed to. She has a beautiful buff color and is one of my fiancee's favorites. She squats for pretty much anyone and is very easy to pick up and cuddle since she's so relaxed. She does tend to boss some of the others around and has been known to test her boundaries with the flock (ninja kicking the rooster and picking on the boss brahma twice her size) but is gentle with chicks. Her eggs are plentiful and a pretty tan color. I really like this breed.
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Pros: very sweet, love people, excellent pets
Cons: feather maintenence, head fluff impairs vision, low egg #
I only have one of these, her name is Fraggle, and she is a very sweet little bird. With other chickens, she is towards the bottom of the pecking order and quite timid. However, she comes right up to people and pecks their shoes to be picked up and petted. Very personable little birds that make great pets, but the downside is that the egg amounts are low and the eggs are small. I also have to give her a bath more often because the white shows dirt; and she requires pretty frequent haircuts in order to see because of all the head fluff. Still, great little birds - and they run REALLY funny. Mine does this galloping thing. Always good for a laugh! :)
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