Reviews by oliveoil


Super Admin
Pros: Quiet, Don't need bathing water, Good for bug patrol
Cons: Claws, Not Layers, Carunkle got frostbite
I raised my trio of chocolate muscovy from day olds thinking they would be really tame but they're not. I wanted them because they're quiet and don't need a pool, although they love playing in water when it's warm. My drake has injured my chicken hens with his claws trying to mate with them and one hen actually died. For this reason, I'm trying to rehome them. Also, didn't realize they aren't layer ducks, only lay when it's breeding season. I liked my mallards, rouens and saxony MUCH better but I needed something quiet. I've heard that they're good to eat but that's not why I got them. Most people really like their muscovy, so maybe I just got a bad batch???
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